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Culturally Sustaining STEM Institute
Verbalizing Visions is a part of the Culturally Sustaining STEM Network who will host the first Culturally Sustaining STEM Institute in Summer 2021 in Georgetown, SC.  The Culturally Sustaining STEM Institute is funded by the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) and co-funded by NSF Advancing Informal Science Learning (AISL), this project will provide opportunities for people from Gullah/Geechee communities to build and expand networks to sustain and promote human and natural resources and will spark how teachers are prepared to create and enact culturally sustaining STEM curriculum. Read the project abstract HERE or contact us with your questions.
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Education Leaders Experience 
The Education Leaders Experience (ELE) is a ten-month professional learning opportunity that connects early childhood to post-secondary education professionals to business leaders. By creating strong partnerships between education and business professionals, ELE hopes to innovate and positively impact 21st century workforce development. The ELE program was created by Colonial Life and is administered in partnership with the Center for Educational Partnerships at the University of South CarolinaTo learn more about the contribution of Verbalizing Visions  to this professional learning community, please CONTACT US.
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Cracking CAEP
Regardless of the stage within the accreditation cycle your Education Preparation Provider is in, Verbalizing Visions is here to help! Our team of consultants have EPP leadership and SEA experience and can work with your faculty and staff to assist in annual report and self-study report writing, FFR responses, site visit agenda preparation, and mock self-study and site visit reviews.  If your institution is considering technical assistance with CAEP Initial and/or Advanced-Level program accreditation, please contact us to schedule your complimentary inquiry meeting.
UofSC Professional Development Schools Network

Verbalizing Visions provides technical assistance for the Coordinating Council that plans and facilitates professional learning community events for the University of South Carolina College of Education, schools, and districts in the Professional Development Schools Network.  To learn more about the history, leadership and schools within the network, visit the UofSC PDS website.   To learn more about the liaison role of Verbalizing Visions, please CONTACT US.

STEM Education Summit: Building a Coalition for Attracting and Retaining a Diverse STEM Teaching Workforce
Smithsonian Science Education Center and Shell Oil Company have worked with organizations around the nation in a commitment to recruit, retain and engage diverse STEM educators.  To learn more about this work and access resources, please visit the Summit website.  To learn more about the contribution of Verbalizing Visions  to this collaboration since 2018, please CONTACT US.
100Kin10 2020 Project Teams

100Kin10 has the mission of adding 100,000 STEM teachers to America's classrooms by 2021. Verbalizing Visions worked with the 100Kin10 2020 Project Team Developing a PD Toolkit for STEM Mentoring.  To learn more about the work of 100Kin10 and the past and current 2020 Project Teams, visit the 100Kin10 website HERE.

Claflin University GEMSS Evaluation

The Girls Emulating Maturity, Strength, and Scholarship (GEMSS) Leadership Academy at  Claflin University is designed to promote confidence and self-expression, teach life skills and leadership skills, and enhance reading, science and math content knowledge through academic year enrichment classes and a two-three week intensive summer camp component. The evaluation objectives of Verbalizing Visions, LLC were to offer data regarding how well the GEMSS Academy meets its goal and support the attainment of said goal by providing data based recommendations. By acting as a team member starting with the program planning and interview process and being an active participant until the end of the program, Verbalizing Visions, LLC was able to provide recommendations to improve short-term effectiveness with the goal of impacting the project's long-term outcomes.


Please contact us regarding available project reports.

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